Bonnell U update

We met yesterday to discuss the next steps for Bonnell University (BU), and we are excited about taking the next steps to making this educational alternative available to more people in the near future. (For more info on BU, go to

Attendees: Anna Bruen, Andrew Perry, Colin Heaton, Gabe Kretchmer, myself

What we talked about/next steps:

BU launch simulation – We are going to meet again to identify what needs to be done in order to more formally launch BU. Likely to be included in this list is: how BU should be represented in the lounge; what processes need to be in place for the educational coaching component (aka WiseTrax); how we might collaborate with educational institutions like MUM, Prescott College, Goddard College, and Gaia Univesity; what more we need to have on the website; what funding might be needed; and how and to whom we communicate what BU is, e.g., via a video.

Organizational and social transformation track – Colin, Andrew and I are going to be working on putting together a specific track within BU for those who want to develop their knowledge and skills in the area of organizational and social transformation. The Wed night Spiral Dynamics intro will be part of that track.

The alternative education niche – There is an interest in having a further conversation about the opportunity for meeting certain needs and filling a niche not currently being filled within secondary education.